A collection of my thoughts, feelings and opinions on everything dog, as well as some of things I do (and don’t do) with my own dog.
The Dog Blog; Barking up the right tree
My favourite dog businesses to shop from
I love to buy things for my dog. Some may say it’s an addiction. I call it a healthy habit. Because I like to buy things for my dog AND support small, I have curated a list of my favourite dog businesses to shop from.
Is having scented candles around OK for dogs?
Is having scented candles around, OK for dogs? It really depends. I have candles coming out and I LOVE a scented candle but before creating candles I did some research to make my candles as dog friendly whilst still being as cost effective as possible.
Dog Friendly walks in… Christchurch!
Christchurch is a great city to be a dog owner with many walks across the suburbs. Whether you prefer the forest, hillside, park, or beach, there’s something for everyone. Here are some of our favourite dog-friendly walks in Christchurch.
Peanut Butter (dog) Cookies!
It is honestly not that often I bake for my dog, usually if I have a dog event or I want to give some treats to another dog, I will and Peanut Butter? It is always a hit! My favourite peanut butter recipe is just 4 ingredients and so easy whilst also being so loved by my dog!
How a dog should be wearing their collar… in my opinion
I make and sell dog collars, I also walk dogs and see all the different ways people put on dog collars and well – there actually is a right way! I don’t like to say there is a wrong way because in New Zealand, having a collar to show your dog is currently registered with there registration is absolutely enough.
My favourite animal charities
There is no right or wrong when supporting charities! However, there are a lot of them! We all have charities that speak to us more than others and so I made a list of my favourite pet charities to support!
My favourite dog friendly spots in Auckland
As someone who lives in Auckland, I perceive Auckland as… not very dog friendly! Of course, there is the obvious like Bunnings and pet stores but there is so much more to "dog friendly" in Auckland! Each and every shop (including supermarkets) is allowed to state their own rules for dogs, and our trains and buses are pet friendly with little dogs having to be in a carrier and big dogs muzzled, but pet friendly nonetheless! However, there are some places better than others so for the best places (in my opinion) to take your dog in Auckland!
Finding a vet to suit you and your dog…
Finding a vet seems simple. You get a dog and your go to local vet, sign up and done. Sometimes it is that easy, but sometimes it doesn’t feel right… You need to finds the right vet for you and your dog.
I just had surgery and I own a dog… Some tips for if you need surgery as a dog owner!
Before surgery, I really didn’t think much at all about having a dog and having a surgery on my abdomen, I didn’t care, I just wanted to never be in that pain again and I was living every day and every meal in fear of that pain. Luckily – Petal is quite well trained but there are some things I taught her that served us well in surgery recovery and if you have a surgery coming up I thought I would share some things I recommend and found helpful with my dog.
5 ways to wear a dog bandana
I love putting a bandana on my dog. It’s one of the main ways to show off her personality but also keeps her looking STUNNING. There are a few different ways to wear a bandana.
I enjoy baking but I can never finish what I have baked! Baking for my dog means it always gets finished!