5 ways to wear a dog bandana

I love putting a bandana on my dog. It’s one of the main ways to show off her personality but also keeps her looking STUNNING. There are a few different ways to wear a bandana as well so I thought I would pop them all down here so if you buy a bandana that is too big or you want to know the cute way to fold it – they’re all here!

Firstly, if you have a square bandana – you will want to fold it in half so you have a triangle. From there we will be tying two ends of your triangle bandana around your pup! If you already have a triangle bandana then no need to fold it in half!

1.     Just tie it up and put it on

The easiest way in my opinion. Just grab two ends and tie it around your dog’s neck. Naturally, usually, the long end falls to the side favouring a leg to sit on.

2.     Just add water – cool it down first!

This is more of a safety feature in summer! You will see a lot of brands sell a mesh bandana for summer… You can wet any bandana and it will help keep your pup cool! Most human summer clothes are made out of cotton because they are lightweight and breathable. So cotton bandanas are very cool in summer in the first place but they also hold water well! If you have even been soaked in the rain or swimming in a t-shirt and you know how cold that shirt feels on your skin… Why wouldn’t you want to do that for your dog in summer?! Wet it first and then tie it on. It should stay cool for at least a few hours.

3.     The cute fold-over – also useful as the “I bought too big a size” or “I have a short-legged dog”

Whilst I personally now know the right size to get my dog, it took A LOT of trial and error but this buying the wrong size also meant I needed to find a way to make it work because introverted, socially awkward me is not getting in touch for returns!

Lay the bandana with the wrong side face up towards you. Fold the long side you are going to tie around your dog’s neck, over one time, then fold it over again. Turn the bandana over to the right side and fold that top edge down on the right side so you have a cool looking fold over! Pop it around your dog’s neck voila! If you have a short dog, too big a size, or you just wanted the top fold-over look – you got it!

4.     Superman – a.k.a the wilderness explorer

You can fold this one whichever way you like but what is important is that it is a cape down your pup’s back. If you have enough in the front, you can make it quite a large tie and your pup can look like your very own Wildnerness Explorer! Super cute!

5.     The collar style

Roll the bandana up and tie it up! Just makes for a nicer-looking collar adding a little bit of something to your pup!

6.     BONUS – The babushka

 I would only recommend this if you know you have a placid dog whom you know you can do this with, with no negative repercussions! Once I have put a bandana on Petal I don’t undo them again, I just pull them up and over her head. A couple of times, they have got stuck on her big ears trying to pull them down – this is called the babushka! I would only ever leave it for a few seconds and snap a pic and pull it down but the laughs are great!

What’s your favourite way to have your pup wear their bandanas?


I just had surgery and I own a dog… Some tips for if you need surgery as a dog owner!
